Application Review and Assessment Process

The application in-take has closed for projects starting in 2025. For projects starting in 2026, the deadline to apply is Nov 1, 2025

There is one in-take period each year. For the upcoming year the deadline to apply is Nov. 1, 2025 with applicants to be notified of funding decisions on March 1, 2025.

Download the Proposal Template Here

NEEF MC manages the fund on behalf of Rio Tinto and the Province of BC. NEEF projects and funds are directed and administered by the NEEF Society. The NEEF Society is responsible for reviewing proposals and making decisions on which projects to fund. The advice of outside experts may be sought.

The NEEF MC welcomes feedback, and stakeholders are encouraged to forward comments to the Administrator or the NEEF MC Members.

Step 1: Confirm the eligibility of your project. Is your project within the geographical scope of NEEF? Does your project meet one or more of the NEEF objectives? If you are unsure and want to verify the eligibility of your project or to seek clarity on any aspect of your project in relation to the NEEF guidelines, you are welcome to submit an Initial Project Concept.

Step 2: Prepare Your Proposal using the provided template. If needed, ask the Administrator for assistance.

Step 3: Submit Your Proposal. Send your proposal to NEEF electronically. () The Administrator will confirm receiving your application. If you do not get a “received” message within two working days after submitting your application, please follow up with the Administrator to ensure that NEEF received it.

Step 4: NEEF MC Decision. NEEF Directors will review your completed proposal and, if necessary, ask for additional information. Your proposal will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • Adherence to the principles and requirements of Schedule 4 of the BC/Alan 1997 Agreement;
  • Consistency with the objectives and priorities articulated in NEEF Guidelines, and completeness of your proposal (template on following pages);
  • Environmental enhancement benefits to the Nechako Watershed in proportion to the size of the request;
  • A detailed project budget which clarifies which amounts are confirmed, what they are for, and supporting documentation;
  • Clear identification of contributing funds, partners, and personnel;
  • Logical work plan, timelines and evaluation framework; and
  • Experience and capability of the applicant to undertake the project.

Step 5: Notification. Once the NEEF Directors reaches a decision, the Administrator will contact you to notify you of the decision. Decisions will be made by March 1. If approved, the Administrator will contact you to discuss conditions of funding and negotiate the terms of a contribution agreement.

Step 6: Agreement Development. Once an agreement has been signed by both parties, the project can commence and the NEEF funds will be dispersed according to the payment schedule in the agreement. The agreement will include a timetable for grant payments and progress reports, methods for publicly recognizing NEEF for the grant, and methods for evaluating the project.

Projects that run multiple years or proponents requesting funds in sequential years will not be awarded new funds in the second year if the funds in the first year have not been expended. For clarity, project funds cannot be accumulated over sequential years, funds must be spent as proposed. NEEF can fund up to 50% of the cost of a project and project funding must be matched on an annual basis. (NEEF can fund up to 50% of the annual cost of a project).

There is a minimum wait time of one year between the completion of a NEEF funded project and eligibility of the proponent to apply for subsequent NEEF funds for a continuation or subsequent phase of the same project. NEEF Directors will consider mitigating circumstances and may at its discretion accept an application prior to the one year wait time.