
Author: Church, M.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: MMA
Record #: 1430
Geomorphic response to river flow regulation: case studies and time-scales. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 11 : 3-22.
Author: Church, M.
Published Date: 2008
Record #: 7360
Multiple scales in rivers. In Gravel-bed rivers; VI, From process understanding to river restoration. Elsevier, pp. 3-32.
Author: Collett, A. and Church, M.
Published Date: 1993
Record #: 58
Nechako River, Gravel sample analysis. 7p.
Author: Cotic, I., Van Barneveld, J., and Sprout, P. N.
Published Date: 1974
Hardcopy Location: BVIV
Record #: 4600
Soils of the Nechako-Francois Lake area - including vegetation (NTS 93K/S1/2, 93F/N1/1). B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, Soils Branch, Kelowna, B.C. 218 p. + 4 maps.
Author: Eaton, B. C.
Published Date: 2006
Record #: 7340
Bank stability analysis for regime models of vegetated gravel bed rivers. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 31 : 1438-1444.
  1. 7340_Eaton2006_Bank_stability.pdf (361kb)
Author: Epp, P. F. and Kenk, E.
Published Date: 1983
Hardcopy Location: WLAP
Record #: 1950
Soils of the Manson River-Fort Fraser map area . MOE Technical Report 1. B.C. Ministry of Environment., Victoria, BC. 119 p. Record #: 1950
Author: Farstad, L. and Laird, D. G.
Published Date: 1954
Hardcopy Location: BCMEM
Record #: 1960
Soil survey of the Quesnel, Nechako, Francois Lake and Bulkley - Terrace areas in the central interior of British Columbia. British Columbia Soil Survey Report 4.
Author: Fedorenko, A. Y.
Published Date: 1986
Hardcopy Location: BOGC
Record #: 1970
Nechako River sediment-flow dynamics: July -September 1985 field study and historic literature review. Nechako River Project, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Fedorenko, A. Y.
Published Date: 1987
Record #: 4620
Nechako River sediment-flow relationships: July-September 1986 - Field survey and historic literature review . Nechako River Project, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Hassan, M.A., Smith, B.J., Hogan, D.L., Luzi, D.S., Zimmermann, A.E., and Eaton, B.C.
Published Date: 2008
Record #: 7370
Sediment storage and transport in coarse bed streams; scale considerations. In Gravel-bed rivers; VI, From process understanding to river restoration. Elsevier, pp. 473-497.
Author: Kellerhals, R.
Published Date: 1989
Hardcopy Location: BVIV
Record #: 1510
The morphology of large rivers: characterization and management. In Proceedings of the International Large River Symposium. Sept. 14-21, 1986, Honey Harbour, ON. Edited by D.P. Dodge. Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 106, pp. 31-48
Author: Kellerhals, R.
Published Date: 1987
Hardcopy Location: MMA
Record #: 1500
Morphologic effects of interbasin diversions. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Interbasin Transfer of Water: Impacts and Research Needs for Canada. Edited by W. Nicholaichuk and F. Quinn. National Hydrology Research Centre, Saskatoon, SK. pp. 7-24.
Author: Kellerhals, R., Church, M., and Davies, L.B.
Published Date: 1979
Hardcopy Location: MMA
Record #: 1520
Morphological effects of interbasin river diversions. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 6 : 18-31.
Author: Kellherhals, R., Nicholaichuk, W., and Quinn, F.
Published Date: 1987
Record #: 540
Morphologic effects of interbasin diversions. In NHRI symposium; Proceedings of the symposium on interbasin transfer of water: impacts and research needs for Canada : Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 9 and 10 November 1987. Environment Canada, pp. 7-24.
Author: Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1997
Hardcopy Location: BCMOF
Record #: 7620
Floodplain mapping Fraser and Nechako Rivers at Prince George. Prepared for: Water Management Division, British Columbia Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks.
  1. 7620_KlohnCrippen1997_FloodplainMapping.pdf (6.9mb)
Author: Krishnappan, B. G. and Engel, P.
Published Date: 1994
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI
Record #: 2390
Critical shear stresses for erosion and deposition of fine suspended sediments in the Fraser River. Environment Canada, Environmental Conservation Branch, Science Division.
  1. 2390_KrishnappanEngel1994_ShearStress.pdf (1.4mb)
Author: Northwest hydraulic consultants ltd.
Published Date: 2002
Hardcopy Location: NFCP
Record #: 7010
Nechako River Substrate Quality and Composition Project Comparison of 1992 and 2000 Freeze-Core Sample Results. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM00-7.
  1. 7010_nhc2002_NFCP SubstrateComposition.pdf (5.4mb)
Author: Parker, G., Hassan, M.A., and Wilcock, P.
Published Date: 2008
Hardcopy Location:
Record #: 7380
Adjustments of the bed surface size distribution of gravel-bed rivers in response to cycled hydrographs . In Gravel-bed rivers; VI, From process understanding to river restoration. Elsevier, pp. 241-289.
Author: Rood, K. M.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 1020
Nechako River sand mapping. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM90.8-1. K. Rood and Associates. 6 p.
Author: Rood, K. M.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, WLAP, BVA
Record #: 1050
Nechako River substrate quality and composition. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report M89-7. 24 p.
  1. 1050_Rood1998_NFCP Substrate1989.pdf (1.1mb)
Author: Rood, K. M.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, WLAP, BVA
Record #: 1080
Nechako River secondary channel geomorphology studies phase II River. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Report RM88-1. K. Rood & Associates .
Author: Rood, K. M.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, WLAP, BVA
Record #: 860
Identification and ranking of sources contributing sediment to the upper Nechako River. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM89-7. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 22 p.
Author: Rood, K. M. and Neill, C. R.
Published Date: 1987
Hardcopy Location: BVAFI, MMA
Record #: 3200
A study of some of the aspects of the geomorphology of the Nechako River. Reid Crowther, North Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Rood, K. M. and Neill, C. R.
Published Date: 1987
Hardcopy Location: BNP
Record #: 3070
Nechako River Court Action : DFO expert reports. Volume 7 or 8, Geomorphology. Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
Author: Ryder, J. M.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: BCMOF
Record #: 7640
Stuart-Takla watersheds: terrain and sediment sources.
Author: Servizi, J.A. and Martens, D.W.
Published Date: 1987
Hardcopy Location: BVAU
Record #: 3760
Some effects of suspended Fraser River sediments on sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka ). In Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka ) population biology and future management. Edited by H.D. Smith, L. Margolis, and C.C. Wood. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa, ON. pp. 254-264.
Author: Slaymaker, O.
Published Date: 1991
Hardcopy Location: GSC, Ottawa
Record #: 1780
Sediment hazards in Fraser River Basin, Canada. Jeomorfoloji Dergisi. 19: 13-30.
Author: Sutek Services Ltd.
Published Date: 1988
Record #: 4180
Nechako River secondary channels: Kenney Dam to Vanderhoof. Department of Fisheries and Oceans. 21 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1991
Hardcopy Location: MMA, WLAP
Record #: 1650
Investigation of the flushing of accumulated sediments from the Nechako Canyon. Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd. Kemano Completion Project, Vancouver, B.C. 47 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. and Klohn Leonoff Ltd.
Published Date: 1991
Record #: 3930
Reconnaissance of fish habitat and surficial deposits of Nechako Canyon. Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.


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