Watershed Management

Author: British Columbia
Published Date: 1997
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB
Record #: 6460
Vanderhoof land resource and management plan. British Columbia, Victoria, B.C.
Author: Edited by Darby, S.E. and Sear, D.A.
Published Date: 2008
Hardcopy Location: AEU
Record #: 10700
River restoration : managing the uncertainty in restoring physical habitat . Wiley.
Author: Edited by Habersack, H., PiƩgay, H., and Rinaldi, M.
Published Date: 2008
Hardcopy Location: AEU
Record #: 10690
Grave bed rivers 6: from process understanding to river restoration. Elsevier Science.
Author: Hassan, M, Hogan, D, and Bird, S.
Published Date: 2008
Record #: 8570
Natural Resources Canada, Pacific Forestry Centre. Mountain Pine Beetle Working Paper.
  1. 8570_HassanHoganBird2008_pinebeetlehydrology.pdf (693kb)
Author: Hyatt, K. D. and Bull, C.
Published Date: 2007
Hardcopy Location: WLAP, Don Cadden's personal files
Record #: 43
ish and Water Management Tool project assessments: Record of management strategy and decisions for 2005 . 1-27,29-37,VII,VIII . 2007. 7410 Levy, David A. 1991. Outline for Nechako River Management Plan. Fisheries Branch, B.C. Ministry of Environment, Prince George.
Author: Marshall, D.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: BVAV
Record #: 1740
Watershed management in British Columbia: the Fraser Basin experience. Environments 25 : 64-79.
Author: Murphy, L. and Yarmish, J. A.
Published Date: 2006
Record #: 8700
prepared for: Sai'kuz First Nation.
  1. 8700_MurphyYarmish2006_InstreamRestorationStonyCorkscrew.pdf ()
Author: Nechako Task Force Steering Committee.
Published Date: 1984
Record #: 580
Brief to Inquiry on Federal Water Policy by the Steering Committee of the Nechako Task Force, November 19-23, 1984. L. Kaneen, Chairperson. Inquiry on Federal Water Policy : Vancouver, British Columbia. 100 p.
Author: Nordin, L and et al.
Published Date: 2009
Record #: 10680
The Bowron River watershed : a landscape level assessment of postbeetle change in stream riparian function . Mountain Pine Beetle Initiative Working Paper 2008-22. Pacific Forestry Centre, Northern Interior Forest Region (B.C.), and Mountain Pine Beetle Initiative (Canada). Pacific Forestry Centre, Victoria, BC.
Author: Owens, P.N. and Williams, N.D.
Published Date: 2008
Record #: 8560
The role of river regulation on floodplain sedimentation: the Nechako River, British Columbia, Canada. Geophysical Research Abstracts : EGU2008-A-02293.
  1. 8560_OwensWilliams2008_riverregulationNechako.pdf (19kb)
Author: Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako .
Published Date: 2007
Hardcopy Location: Smithers Public Library
Record #: 8180
Smithers Telkwa Rural Official community Plan : Bylaw No 1425, 2007, Background Documents. Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako Planning Department
Author: Scarfe, B. L.
Published Date: 1997
Hardcopy Location: OONL, BVA
Record #: 4450
Review of water management in the Nechako River Basin: final report. The Ministry, Victoria, B.C.
Author: Toews, D. A. A. and Chatwin, S.
Published Date: 2001
Record #: 4740
Watershed assessment in the southern interior of British Columbia: workshop proceedings, March 9-10, 2000. Penticton, B.C. Working Paper 57. B.C. Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, Victoria, B.C. 247 p.
Author: Uunila, L., Guy, B., and and Pike, R.
Published Date: 2006
Hardcopy Location: 81kb
Record #: 8580
Hydrologic effects of mountain pine beetle in the interior pine forests of British Columbia: Key questions and current knowledge. BC Journal of Ecosystems and Management : 37-39.
  1. 8580_UunilaGuyPike2006_pinebeetlehydrology.pdf ()
Author: Westcoast CED Consulting Ltd.
Published Date: 2006
Record #: 7740
Prepared for: CFDC Stuart Nechako Vanderhoof Labour Market Partnership Team. Westcoast CED Consulting Ltd.
  1. 7740_CEDconsulting2005_LabourMarketSurveyStuartNechako.pdf (2.6mb)
Author: Williams, G.L. and Langer, O.E.
Published Date: 2002
Hardcopy Location: BIOSIS
Record #: 6580
Review of estuary managment plans in British Columbia. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences : 1-57.