Water Quality

Author: Alderdice, D. F. and Jensen, J. O. T.
Published Date: 1985
Record #: 3250
Assessment of the influence of gas supersaturation on salmonids in the Nechako River in relation to Kemano completion. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1386. 48 p
  1. 3250_AlderdiceJensen1985_GasSupersaturation.pdf (16.22mb)
Author: Andrew, F.
Published Date: 1981
Hardcopy Location: BVAU
Record #: 610
Water temperature and fish mortality. Western Fisheries 101: 30-39.
Author: B.C. Ministry of Environment and Environment Canada
Published Date: 2007
Hardcopy Location: Link
Record #: 7750
Prepared by: Swain, L. G. Ministry of Environment.
  1. 7750_Swain2007_WQAssessmentPG.pdf (3.35mb)
Author: Bell, G. R.
Published Date: 1987
Hardcopy Location: BNP
Record #: 1850
Effect of elevated water temperatures on infectious diseases of salmon. Expert report for Nechako River Court Action. Prepared for Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Aluminum Company of Canada. Nanaimo, B.C.
Author: Boeckh, I., Christie, V.S., Dorcey, A.H.J., and Reuggeberg, H.I.
Published Date: 1991
Hardcopy Location: BVAU
Record #: 3700
Water use in the Fraser River basin. In Water in sustainable development: Exploring our common future in the Fraser River Basin. Edited by A.H.J. Dorcey and J.R. Griggs. Westwater Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Byres, R. D. and Servizi, J. A.
Published Date: 1986
Record #: 3210
Dissolved atmospheric gases and reaeration coefficients for the Nechako River. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1459. 83 p.
  1. 3210_ByresServizi1986_TGPreaeration.pdf (3.31mb)
Author: Cameron, E.M
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB
Record #: 390
Hydrogeochemistry of the Fraser River, British Columbia: seasonal variation in major and minor components. Journal of Hydrology 182 : 209-225.
Author: Cleugh, T.R. and Lawley, B.C.
Published Date: 1979
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BPGC, BVAS
Record #: 680
Salmon studies associated with the potential Kemano II hydro electric development, volume 4 : The limnology of Morice Lake relative to the proposed Kemano II power development. Fisheries and Environment Canada, Vancouver, B.C
Author: Cooke, S.
Published Date: 2007
Record #: 7200
The Potential Consequences of Cold Shock on Fish in the Nechako River, B.C. Presentation to NES Temperature Workshop.
  1. 7200_Cooke2007_ColdShockPresentation.pdf (94kb)
Author: Envirocon Limited
Published Date: 1984
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, BVA
Record #: 3330
Environmental studies associated with the proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development. Technical memorandum 1957/2, documentation of the Nechako River unsteady state water temperature model. Aluminum Company of Canada.
  1. 3330_Envirocon1984 KCP env studies.pdf (2.79)
Author: Envirocon Limited
Published Date: 1985
Hardcopy Location: BPGC
Record #: 5990
Review of the 1984 Nechako River hydrothermal monitoring and control program. Envirocon Limited, Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Envirocon Limited.
Published Date: 1984
Hardcopy Location: BPGC
Record #: 6000
Environmental studies associated with the proposed Kemano Completion hydroelectric development :Technical memorandum 1957/3 : Documentation of the users [sic] guide to the 1984 Nechako River hydrothermal model. Envirocon Limited, Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Envirocon Pacific Limited.
Published Date: 1989
Record #: 10810
Nechako Canyon Dissolved Gas Modeling Studies. Preliminary Draft Report. Prepared for: Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd.
Author: Faulkner, G
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 930
Winter conditions on the Nechako River, 1991-1992. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M91-4. Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. 19 p.
Author: Faulkner, G
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 970
Winter conditions on the Nechako River, 1990-1991. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M90-4. Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. 19 p.
Author: Faulkner, G. and Ennevor, B.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 880
Winter conditions on the Nechako River, 1992-1993. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M92-4. Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. 19 p.
Author: Fidler, L. E.
Published Date: 2003
Record #: 7220
Addendum to the "British Columbia Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Biota from Dissolved Gas Supersaturation (DGS)" and Protocols for Development of Sitespecific Guidelines for DGS Draft. Prepared for: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Habitat Enhancement Branch Pacific Region. 17p.
  1. 7220_Fidler2003_TGPguideline.pdf (85kb)
Author: French, T. D
Published Date: 2005
Record #: 8130
Water and Sediment Quality in the Nechako River (British Columbia, Canada): The Synergistic Effects of Point-Source Effluents, Historic Flow Reductions and Submerged Macrophytes. Prepared for: Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative.
  1. 8130_French2005_WaterSedimentQuality.pdf (1.16mb)
Author: French, T. D.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BCMOF
Record #: 7550
Spatial variations in water and sediment chemistry in the Nechako River watershed, British Columbia. Prepared for: Saik'uz First Nation, and Upper Fraser & Nechako Fisheries Council.
Author: James, C.B., A.C. Mitchell, J.E. Edinger, and J. Bell (chairman)
Published Date: 1991
Record #: 520
Real time water temperature modelling of the Nechako River. In Canadian Society for Civil Engineering : annual conference : 10th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference : Engineering Mechanics Symposium : 1991 : proceedings : May 29-31, 1991, Vancouver, B.C. Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, pp. 429-438.
Author: Lawrence, G. A.
Published Date: 1994
Hardcopy Location: MMA
Record #: 4640
A brief on the Kemano Completion Project's hydrothermal and internal wave modelling. Prepared for the Rivers Defence Coalition, as part of the Public Review of the Kemano Completion Project. B.C. Utilities Commission, Vancouver, B.C. 22 p.
Author: Macdonald, S. and Morrison, J.
Published Date: 2008
Record #: 7290
Possible Modifications to the Regulation that Governs the STMP Water Releases to Estimate Possible Water Savings if a CWRF were Constructed at Kenney Dam. Presentation to NES Temperature Workshop.
  1. 7290_MacdonaldMorrison2008_TempRequirement.pdf (32kb)
Author: Macdonald, S. Morrison J. Patterson D. Heinonen J. Foreman M.
Published Date: 2007
Record #: 8780
Examination of Factors Influencing Nechako River Discharge, Temperature and Aquatic Habitats. Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
  1. 8780_MacDonaldetal2007_NechakoDischargeTempAquHab.pdf (2.46mb)
Author: Macdonald, S., Morrison, J., Patterson, D., Heinonen, J., and Foreman, M.
Published Date: 2007
Record #: 7280
Examination of Factors Influencing Nechako River Discharge, Temperature and Aquatic Habitats:Assessing Cold Water Release Strategies from the Nechako Reservoir.
  1. 7280_Macdonaldetal2007_TempPresentation.pdf (2.19mb)
Author: McDonald, J. S. Morrison J. Patterson D. A. et al.
Published Date: 2007
Hardcopy Location: Link
Record #: 6910
Examination of factors influencing Nechako River discharge, temperature, and aquatic habitats . Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa.
  1. 6910_McDonald et al._2007_Nechako+Hydrology.pdf (571kb)
Author: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
Published Date: 1997
Record #: 7810
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 1995.
  1. 7810_MoE1997_WQAttainment.pdf (6.2mb)
Author: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
Published Date: 1999
Record #: 7820
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 1996 and 1997.
  1. 7820_MoE1999_WQAttainment.pdf (248kb)
Author: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
Published Date: 1996
Record #: 7790
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 1994.
  1. 7790_MoE1996_WQAttainment.pdf (8.1mb)
Author: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
Published Date: 1994
Record #: 7780
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 1993.
  1. 7780_MoE1994_WQAttainment.pdf (11.9mb)
Author: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
Published Date: 1993
Record #: 7770
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 1992.
  1. 7770_MoE1993_WQAttainment1992.pdf (9mb)
Author: Mitchell, A.C., James, C.B., and Edinger, J.E.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: BVAU, BPGUB
Record #: 400
Analyses of flow modification on water quality in Nechako river. Journal of Energy Engineering ASCE 121 : 73-80.
Author: Mitchell, S.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BVAU
Record #: 1750
A simple model for estimating mean monthly stream temperatures after riparian canopy removal. Environmental Management 24 : 77-83.
Author: Nechako Enhancement Society
Published Date: 2007
Record #: 7430
Meeting Summarization: Nechako Enhancement Society Temperature Workshop. 2007.
  1. 7430_NES2007_TempWorkshopMinutes.pdf (28kb)
Author: Nechako Enhancement Society
Published Date: 2005
Record #: 7420
Nechako Enhancement Society TGP Workshop. 2005.
  1. 7420_NES2005_TGPworkshopMinutes.pdf (31kb)
Author: Nener, J. C. and Wernick, B. G.
Published Date: 2000
Hardcopy Location: OONL, BVAFI
Record #: 4440
raser River Basin Stategic Water Quality Plan: middle and north Fraser sub-basin; middle Fraser, Nechako and Stuart-Takla, upper Fraser, and Quesnel habitat management areas. Fraser River Action Plan, Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Perrin, C. J.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 1300
Pilot fertilization of the Nechako River III: factors determining production of fish food organisms. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM90-4. 31 p.
Author: Perrin, C. J.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 1260
Pilot fertilization of the Nechako River IV: monitoring to improve precision. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM91-4. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 23 p.
Author: Perrin, C.J. and Richardson, J.S.
Published Date: 1997
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB, WLAP
Record #: 480
N and P limitation of benthos abundance in the Nechako River, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54 : 2574-2583.
Author: ph
Published Date: 2007
Record #: 7930
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 2005. Prepared for: Water and Air Monitoring and Reporting Section, Environmental Quality Branch, and Ministry of Environment.
  1. 7930_Phippen2007_WQAttainment.pdf (2.1mb)
Author: Phippen, B
Published Date: 2007
Record #: 7920
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 2004. Prepared for: Water and Air Monitoring and Reporting Section, Water, Air and Climate Change Branch, and Ministry of Environment.
  1. 7920_Phippen2005_WQAttainment.pdf (2.4mb)
Author: Phippen, B
Published Date: 2004
Record #: 7890
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 2003. Prepared for: Water and Air Monitoring and Reporting Section, Water, Air and Climate Change Branch, and Ministry of Environment.
  1. 7890_Phippen2004_WQAttainment.pdf (3.5mb)
Author: Phippen, B
Published Date: 2003
Record #: 7880
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 2002. Prepared for: Water and Air Monitoring and Reporting Section, Water, Air and Climate Change Branch, and Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.
  1. 7880_Phippen2003_WQAttainment.pdf (3.8mb)
Author: Phippen, B
Published Date: 2001
Record #: 7840
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 1998 and 1999. Prepared for: Water Quality Section, Water Managment Branch Ministry of Environment Lands and Parks.
  1. 7840_Phippen2001_WQAttainment.pdf (2.5mb)
Author: Phippen, B
Published Date: 2002
Record #: 7860
Water Quality in British Columbia: Objectives Attainment in 2000 and 2001. Prepared for: Water and Air Monitoring and Reporting Section, Water Air and Climate Change Branch Ministry of Water Land and Air Protection.
  1. 7860_Phippen2002_WQAttainment.pdf (3.2mb)
Author: Sasaki, H. W.
Published Date: 1994
Hardcopy Location: BPGC
Record #: 6090
Nechako water management plan revised agriculture water requirements. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Victoria, B.C.
Author: Servizi, J.A. and Martens, D.W.
Published Date: 1987
Hardcopy Location: BVAU
Record #: 3760
Some effects of suspended Fraser River sediments on sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka ). In Sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka ) population biology and future management. Edited by H.D. Smith, L. Margolis, and C.C. Wood. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa, ON. pp. 254-264.
Author: Swain, L.G. and Girard, R.
Published Date: 1987
Hardcopy Location: WLAP, BVA, OOFF, OONL, BVAU
Record #: 260
Takla-Nechako area, Nechako River water quality assessment and objectives. BC Environment, Water Management Division, Victoria, B.C.
  1. 260_SwainGirard1987_WQObjectives.pdf (1.2mb)
  2. 260_SwainGirard1987_WQTechApp.pdf (7.6mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd
Published Date: 1991
Hardcopy Location: BPGC
Record #: 4750
Nechako reservoir hydrothermal mathematical modelling. Aluminum Company of Canada, Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2003
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, NFCP
Record #: 6630
he 2001 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM01-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 6630_Triton2003_NFCP STMPreport2001.pdf (151kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2004
Hardcopy Location: NFCP website
Record #: 6790
The 2002 Summer Water Temperature and Flow Management Project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report No. RM02-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 6790_Triton2004_NFCP STMPreport2002.pdf (398kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2006
Hardcopy Location: NFCP
Record #: 7070
The 2004 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM04-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 47p.
  1. 7070_Triton2006_NFCP STMPreport2004.pdf (351kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2006
Hardcopy Location: NFCP
Record #: 7080
The 2005 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM05-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 7080_Triton2006_NFCP STMPreport2005.pdf (313kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2006
Hardcopy Location: NFCP
Record #: 7090
The 2006 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM06-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 7090_Triton2006_NFCP STMPreport2006.pdf (324kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2008
Record #: 6900
Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 6900_Triton2008_NFCP STMPreport.pdf (460kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BPGC
Record #: 1060
Assessment of fertilization. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM92-5. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 21 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Record #: 147
In Prep. Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M97-7. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2001
Hardcopy Location: MMA
Record #: 1680
Estimation of natural water temperatures in the Nechako River. Nechako Environmental Enhancement Fund, B.C. Ministry Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria, B.C. 51 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1990
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB
Record #: 2920
Review of the 1988 summer temperature management program. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM88-5.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1991
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB
Record #: 2780
Review of the 1990 Summer Temperature Management Program. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM90-2.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2005
Record #: 7490
Total Gas Pressure Report. Prepared for: Nechako Enhancement Society. 70 p.
  1. 7490_Triton2005_NechakoTGP.pdf (4.3mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2004
Hardcopy Location: NFCP website
Record #: 6810
The 2003 Summer Water Temperature and Flow Management Project. Nechako Fishereis Conservation Program Technical Report RM03-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fishereis Conservation Program.
  1. 6810_Triton2004_NFCP STMPreport2003.pdf (396kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2007
Record #: 7500
Record of Discussion Regarding Methods to Validate the IOSTRM and Triton Water Temperature Models.
  1. 7500_Triton2007_TempMeetingReport.pdf (143kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2001
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC
Record #: 730
he 1999 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM99-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 27 p.
  1. 730_Triton2001_NFCP STMPreport1999.pdf (153kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1995
Record #: 81
The 1988 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM88-5. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 81_Triton1995_NFCP STMPreport1988.pdf (243kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: NFCP
Record #: 82
he 1989 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report No. RM89-2. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 82_Triton1995_NFCP STMPreport1989.pdf (251kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1993
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB, BVA
Record #: 2830
The 1989 summer water temperature management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM89-2.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: NFCP
Record #: 83
he 1990 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report No. RM90-2. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 83_Triton1995_NFCP STMPreport1990.pdf (255kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BPGC
Record #: 1380
The 1991 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM91-2. 13 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BPGC
Record #: 1330
The 1992 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM92-2. 13 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BPGC
Record #: 1350
The 1993 summer water temperature and flow management report. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM93-2. 13 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC
Record #: 1180
The 1994 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM94-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC
Record #: 910
The 1995 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM95-2. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 12 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC
Record #: 890
The 1996 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM96-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 12 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC
Record #: 900
The 1997 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM97-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 10 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2001
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC
Record #: 720
The 1998 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM98-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 12 p.
  1. 720_Triton2001_NFCP STMPreport1998.pdf (165kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2003
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, NFCP
Record #: 6650
The 2000 summer water temperature and flow management project. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM00-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 6650_Triton2003_NFCP STMPreport2000.pdf (150kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. and Aspen Applied Sciences Ltd.
Published Date: 2004
Record #: 7440
Towards a Decision on a Release Water Temperature for a Cold Water Release Facility at Kenney Dam. Prepared for: Nechako Enhancement Society. 122p.
Author: Van Schubert, R.
Published Date: 1993
Hardcopy Location: BPGC
Record #: 6040
Nechako River sub-basin water quality objectives data review. Environmental Protection Branch, Northern Interior Region, Victoria, B.C.
Author: Van Schubert, R. and Carmichael, B.
Published Date: 1993
Record #: 1993
Nechako River Sub-Basin Water Quality Objectives Data Review.
  1. 8050_VanSchubertCarmichael1993_WQReview.pdf (3mb)
Author: Wilkins, S. and Faulkner, G.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 850
Winter conditions on the Nechako River, 1987-1988. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M88-6. 16 p.
Author: Wilkins, S. and Faulkner, G.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 950
Winter conditions on the Nechako River, 1988-1989. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M88-8. 17 p.
Author: Wilkins, S. and Faulkner, G.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 870
Winter Conditions on the Nechako River, 1989-1990. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M89-4. 17 p.


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