In 2012, the NEEF Management Committee made 10 decisions for use of the NEEF, some of which included time-restricted milestones. The NEEF Management Committee has amended the 2012 decisions on the use of the fund because these milestones were not met.
The objectives of the fund have not changed, and the new decisions do not change the scope of projects that could qualify for funding. Projects funded by NEEF must meet one or more of the following objectives: flow management; fish and fish habitat rehabilitation; education and stewardship of water; and improving how water flow regulation decisions are made.
Under the amended decisions, funds will be made available on an annual basis until 2050 or longer. Funds are available for projects as follows:
The amended decisions provide an inclusive funding strategy that builds on past successes and enables NEEF Management Committee and the parties to the agreement to respond to Nechako water stewardship-related challenges into the future.
The NEEF Society encourages project applications from local governments, local First Nations governments and legally incorporated Societies.
Visit to download the Amended Decisions and to learn more about the NEEF and projects being supported by NEEF.