NEEF Application Process Changes

AUGUST 9, 2023

NEEF announces two changes to the application process.

Applications will now be accepted on a deadline basis. There will be one in-take period each year.

For the upcoming year the deadline to apply is Nov. 1, 2023 with applicants to be notified of funding decisions on March 1, 2024. An in-take period of Nov. 1 with notifications made on March 1 will remain the same for subsequent years.   

Secondly, in order to provide a fair process and access to available funds for all grant recipients, as well as providing NEEF sufficient opportunity to review and evaluate the effectiveness of NEEF investments, there will now be a minimum wait time of one year between the completion of a NEEF funded project and eligibility of the proponent to apply for subsequent NEEF funds for a continuation or subsequent phase of the same project. NEEF Directors will consider mitigating circumstances and may at its discretion accept an application prior to the one year wait time. 

We hope these changes will provide more certainty around funding and provide a more streamlined application process.