Information Bulletin #2

JANUARY 1, 2012

NEEF MC Convened to Reconsider Decision

In 2011 BC and Rio Tinto Alcan agreed that, based on the information now available regarding the cost and benefit of a water release facility, the decisions of the previous NEEF Management Committee should be reconsidered. The appointment of new Management Committee representatives was the first step to this process. The NEEF Management Committee mandate is unchanged from that stated in the BC/Alcan 1997 Agreement, however the current Committee has the benefit of an additional ten years of information.

Over the past month we have concentrated on defining the process we will use to learn from the public, First Nations and stakeholders about their ideas for use of the fund. We have already heard from some of you on how we should conduct this consultation process and we are open to further suggestions.

Our proposed approach is to conduct the consultation process in four phases;

  1. Information: we will share background information regarding the 1997 Agreement, the 2001 NEEF Management Committee report, and costs, benefits, and technical issues related to a water release facility at Kenney Dam;
  2. Consultation: We will seek to learn and understand the interests and ideas of individuals, stakeholders, industry, First Nations, and government regarding uses of the fund for downstream environmental enhancement;
  3. Confirmation: we will share what we have learned and provide an opportunity to affirm with those involved the information that was provided to us during the consultation process, and;
  4. Reporting: We will deliver our decisions on the use of the NEEF.

We have begun the first phase of the process through distribution of introductory letters and have scheduled meetings for the week of January 23 to 27. A meeting

The NEEF website ( is now “live” and will be regularly updated to:

  • provide further background information as needed;
  • outline next steps in the consultation process; and
  • post input and ideas received as the process unfolds.

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