Information Bulletin #6

SEPTEMBER 12, 2012

NEEF Report Finalised and Available

Since the mid-May release of Information Bulleting #5 and subsequent public and stakeholder meetings in Vanderhoof at the end of May (2012) the NEEF
Management Committee has finished its consultation process and with all of the input received has now finalized its report.

The Management Committee thanks all those who contributed their ideas and
provided input to the consultation process.

For those who participated in the NEEF MC process and followed the Information
Bulletins, much of the final report content will look familiar. It includes background information, the consultation process we followed, a summary of the environmental enhancement proposals we received, and our decisions and recommendations.

The Management Committee is planning to hold a public meeting in Vanderhoof on September 12th at 7PM at the Vanderhoof Friendship Centre, to distribute copies of the final report, answer any questions and discuss next steps. Copies of the report can be obtained from DFO (Prince George), Rio Tinto Alcan (Vanderhoof), or via request to the NEEF c/o The Management Committee will also be available to meet separately with stakeholders and other interested parties. To schedule a meeting please contact the administrator as soon as possible.

The NEEF MC has decided to continue with the NEEF website ( ) and the final report will be posted there at 7PM on September 12th. Please visit the site for continued updates as we transition from consultation to implementation of the report’s decisions.

Download Information Bulletin #6