Christy Hunter and Fraser Linza releasing juvenile white sturgeon Nechako River June 2023.jpg
Junior Fish Culturist Christy Hunter releasing 2-year-old juvenile sturgeon in the Nechako River

Nechako White Sturgeon Conservation Centre

NEEF Funding: $408,495

Total Project Budget: $847,538

Start Date: April 2023

End Date: March 2024


The Nechako White Sturgeon Conservation Centre (NWSCC) is a facility that is operated by the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC (FFSBC) and is dedicated to Nechako White Sturgeon recovery. This facility operates with a three-pronged approach to recovery:
• Conservation Fish Culture as a “Stop-Gap” measure to ensure a genetically diverse population.
• Research/Actions that recover the Nechako White Sturgeon back to a self-sustaining population.
• Education and Outreach.

Project Goals:
• Provide conservation fish culture services that support stocking goals set by provincial government and federal government Decision Makers.
• Support the Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative (NWSRI) Technical Working Group (TWG) projects/programs that are designed to help recover Nechako White Sturgeon, specifically:
▪ Spawn Monitoring
▪ Juvenile Indexing/Sampling
▪ Adult Sampling
▪ Juvenile and Adult Telemetry Tracking
▪ Assisting with field and facility experiments
• Continue to provide education and outreach opportunities in cooperation with the NWSRI Community Working Group (CWG) to communities in our area, and around the world via:
▪ School curriculum
▪ Social Media content to raise awareness and support
▪ In person tours
▪ Web cams

Proponent: Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC