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Nechako River Sustainability

NEEF Funding: 300,000

Total Project Budget:

Start Date: September 2014

End Date: April 2017


Update at 2017 06 15

This project is no longer active. NEWSS received $300,000.00 from NEEF between April 1st, 2014 and April 12th, 2017. With this funding NEWSS completed;

  • stream restoration and fish passage work at Murray Creek;
  • replacement of a culvert at Murry Creek; 
  • culvert removal, bioengineering, and stream restoration work at Stoney Creek.

Original Description:

Nechako Environmental and Water Stewardship Society (NEWSS) will carry out stream restoration works on 30 streams within the Nechako Valley watershed. These projects include but are not limited to bank stabilization, fencing (keeping livestock out of riparian zones), harden crossing of streams for livestock, establishment of riparian zones where required and ensuring proper fish passage with culvert replacements.

 NEWSS will further its role of stewardship by creating resources and educational tools, working with rural community and all users of the Nechako watershed resources, facilitating ongoing conversation to exchange knowledge, share perspective and explore opportunities for cooperative learning with First Nations, community residents, landowners, industry leaders, grade schools, universities and appropriate government agencies. NEWSS aspires to maintain sustainable water for landowners through the Nechako watershed and create a cleaner, healthier environment for all residents and visitors to the area.

Project Deliverables:

  • To employ a minimum of one full-time employee to manage the Recipient’s operations
  • Facilitate stakeholder engagement and education
  • Implement stream rehabilitation projects
  • Stabilize stream banks
  • Re-establish denuded riparian zones
  • Fence livestock out of streams and riparian zones
  • Harden stream crossings for livestock
  • Replace or install culverts to ensure proper fish passage
  • Re-establish fish habitat on identified streams
  • Reduce sedimentation and erosion
  • Produce maps of aquifers underlying the Nechako Plateau
  • Build partnerships in water stewardship

Proponent: Nechako Environmental and Water Stewardship Society