Fisheries – Adult Chinook

Author: Beniston, R. J., Lister, D. B., and Faulkner, G.
Published Date: 1993
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 2480
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook spawner enumeration: 1990 data report. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M90-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Beniston, R. J., Lister, D. B., and Faulkner, G.
Published Date: 1993
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 2480
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook spawner enumeration: 1990 data report. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M90-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Birch, G. J., Gidora, S., and Mathers, J. S.
Published Date: 1993
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 2620
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook carcass recovery 1989. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M89-2. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Birch, G. J., Mathers, J. S., and Rublee, W. O.
Published Date: 1993
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 2600
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook spawner enumeration 1989. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M89-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Bradford, M. J.
Published Date: 1994
Hardcopy Location: OOFI, NRCAN
Record #: 430
Trends in the abundance of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ) of the Nechako River, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51: 965-973.
Author: Faulkner, G. and Ennevor, B
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 1370
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook spawner enumeration 1993. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M93-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
Author: Faulkner, G. and Ennevor, B.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: BNP
Record #: 8370
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook carcass recovery 1993. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Faulkner, G. and Ennevor, B.
Published Date: 1994
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 2400
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook spawner enumeration 1991. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M91-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Faulkner, G. and Ennevor, B.
Published Date: 1994
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 2350
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook spawner enumeration 1992. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M92-1. Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. 10 p.
Author: Faulkner, G. and Ennevor, B.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC
Record #: 1340
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook spawner enumeration 1994. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M94-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
Author: Fielden, R. J. and Slaney, T. L.
Published Date: 1991
Record #: 3710
Review of Fraser River chinook and coho escapement information for potential index streams. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Fraser River, N.B.C. & Yukon Divisions.
Author: Goos, G.
Published Date: 1986
Hardcopy Location: WLAP
Record #: 26
Nechako River spawning/rearing channels feasibility study.
Author: Hill, R. A.
Published Date: 1997
Hardcopy Location: BVAU
Record #: 4520
Optimizing aerial count freqency for the area-under-the-curve method of estimating escapement. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 17 : 461-466.
Author: Hill, R.A. and Irvine, J.R.
Published Date: 2001
Hardcopy Location: BVAS
Record #: 460
Standardizing spawner escapement data: A case study of the Nechako River chinook salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21 : 651-655.
Author: Jaremovic, L. and Rowland, D.
Published Date: 1988
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, OKQD, OONL
Record #: 2760
Review of chinook salmon escapements in the Nechako River, British Columbia. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1963. Nechako River Project. 135 p.
Author: Olmsted, W. R., Whelen, M. A., and Vigers, G. A.
Published Date: 1980
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BPGC
Record #: 3550
1979 investigations of fall-spawning chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ), Nechako and Quesnel/Horsefly rivers, B.C. EVS Consultants Ltd. 86 p.
Author: Rowland, D.
Published Date: 1989
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVA
Record #: 2720
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook carcass recovery: 1988 data report.
Author: Rowland, D.
Published Date: 1988
Hardcopy Location: BVAFI
Record #: 8410
Nechako River Chinook spawner escapement and carcass recover 1987. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Rowland, D., Abbott, J., and Fretwell, M.
Published Date: 1989
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI
Record #: 2710
Nechako and Stuart Rivers chinook spawner enumeration: 1988 data report. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report M88-3. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
Author: Russell, L. R., Conlin, K. R., Johansen, O. K., and Orr, U.
Published Date: 1983
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BPGC, OONL
Record #: 600
Chinook salmon studies in the Nechako River: 1980, 1981, 1982. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1728. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Habitat Management Division, Vancouver, B.C. 197 p.
Author: Seefried, L. and Nutten, B.
Published Date: 2008
Record #: 7020
Nechako and Stuart Rivers Chinook Carcass Recovery 1995. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report M95-2.
  1. 7020_SeefriedNutton2008_NFCP ChinookCarcass1995.pdf (1.1mb)
Author: Shirvell, C.S.
Published Date: 1989
Hardcopy Location: CISTI
Record #: 450
Ability of PHABSIM to predict chinook salmon spawning habitat. Regulated Rivers, Research and Management 3 : 277-289.
Author: Tutty, B. D.
Published Date: 1986
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, OKQD, OONL
Record #: 3230
Dune formations associated with multiple redd construction by chinook salmon in the Upper Nechako River, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 1893 Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. Pacific Region. 28 p.
  1. 3230_Tutty1986_ReddDunes.pdf (7.4mb)


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