Fisheries – White Sturgeon

Author: British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.
Published Date: 2001
Record #: 4820
Backgrounder - Nechako River white sturgeon. Accessed from:
Author: British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.
Published Date: 2001
Record #: 1400
Nechako River white sturgeon program. Accessed from:
Author: British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection.
Published Date: 2002
Record #: 4830
Nechako white sturgeon environmental stewardship. Accessed from:
Author: Cadden, V.
Published Date: 2000
Hardcopy Location: MMA, WLAP
Record #: 1420
eview of historical white sturgeon distribution within the Nechako River watershed. B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, Victoria, B.C. 46 p.
  1. 1420_Cadden2000_SturgeonHistorical.pdf (1.2mb)
Author: Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat.
Published Date: 2007
Record #: 8160
Recovery Potential Assessment for White Sturgeon. Science Advisory Report.
  1. 8160_CSAS2007_SturgeonRecoveryPotential.pdf (172kb)
Author: Cannings, S.G. and Ptolemy, J.
Published Date: 1998
Record #: 7950
White Sturgeon. In Rare Freshwater Fish of British Columbia. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks, pp. 6-17.
  1. 7950_CanningsPtolemy1998_BCRareFish.pdf (364kb)
Author: Carrier Sekani Tribal Council
Published Date: 2005
Record #: 7910
2004 Assessment of Juvenile White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus ) Abundance and Distribution in the Nechako River; Development of an Index of Juvenile Recruitment. Prepared for: Nechako River White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative.
  1. 7910_CarrierSekani2005_SturgeonJuveniles.pdf (1.1mb)
Published Date: 2003
Record #: 7940
COSEWIC Assessment and Update Status Report on the White Sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus in Canada.
  1. 7940_COSEWIC2003.pdf (923kb)
Author: Dixon, B. M.
Published Date: 1986
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, WLAP, BVA, BVAUW, OONL
Record #: 3220
Age growth and migration of white sturgeon in the Nechako and upper Fraser Rivers of British Columbia. Fisheries Technical Circular 70. B.C. Ministry of Environment, Victoria, B.C.
  1. 3220_Dixon1986_SturgeonAgeGrowthMigration.pdf (2.8mb)
Author: Golder Associates Ltd.
Published Date: 2003
Hardcopy Location: EcoCat
Record #: 8060
Nechako River White Sturgeon Spawning Program Region 7 (Omenica-Peace) 2001-2002 Data Report.
Author: Golder Associates Ltd.
Published Date: 2006
Record #: 8110
Nechako River White Sturgeon Tagging Project -- 2005 Data Report. Prepared for: BC Ministry of Environment.
  1. 8110_Golder2006_SturgeonTagging.pdf (1mb)
Author: Korman, J. and Walters, C.
Published Date: 2001
Record #: 1570
Nechako River white sturgeon recovery planning: summary of stock assessment and Oct. 2-3, 2000 Workshop. Final. British Columbia Fisheries, Victoria, B.C. 26 p.
  1. 1570_KormanWalters2001_sturgeon stock assess.pdf (173kb)
Author: Liebe, R., Sykes, G., and Manson, R.
Published Date: 2005
Record #: 7990
Adult White Sturgeon Monitoring - Nechako River 2005. Prepared for: Alcan Primary Metal.
  1. 7990_Liebeetal2005_SturgeonMonitoring.pdf (2.6mb)
Author: Liebe, R., Sykes, G., and Manson, R.
Published Date: 2007
Record #: 8000
dult White Sturgeon Monitoring - Nechako River 2006. Prepared for: Alcan Primary Metal.
  1. 8000_Liebeetal2007_SturgeonMonitoring.pdf (2.7mb)
Author: McAdam, S.O., Walters, C.J., and and Nistor, C.
Published Date: 2005
Record #: 6490
Linkages between white sturgeon recruitment and altered bed substrates in the Nechako River, Canada. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society : 1448-1456.
  1. 6490_McAdametal2005_SturgeonSubstrates.pdf (1.8mb)
Author: McKenzie, S.
Published Date: 2000
Hardcopy Location: MMA
Record #: 1590
Fraser River white sturgeon program. Comprehensive report (1995-1999). Report 815F. British Columbia Fisheries, Victoria, B.C. 92 p.
  1. 1590_McKenzie2000_SturgeonMonitoring.pdf (7.2mb)
Author: McKenzie, S.
Published Date: 1997
Hardcopy Location: BVAFI
Record #: 8350
Fraser River white sturgeon monitoring program: Region 7 (Omineca-Peace) 1996 investigations. Prepared for: BC MELP, Fisheries Branch.
Author: Nechako River White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative Action Planning Group.
Published Date: 2002
Hardcopy Location: MMA
Record #: 1540
White sturgeon status. Nechako River White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative 1 : 1-6.
Author: Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative
Published Date: 2004
Record #: 7960
Recovery Plan for Nechako White Sturgeon.
  1. 7960_NWSRI2004_RecoveryPlan.pdf (1.1mb)
Author: Nelson, T. C., Baxter, B. E., and Blakley, A. C.
Published Date: 2001
Hardcopy Location: MMA
Record #: 1600
Fraser River white sturgeon: an annotated bibliography and review of data sources. British Columbia Fisheries, Victoria, B.C. 76 p.
Author: NorCan Consulting Ltd. International Resource Management
Published Date: 2000
Record #: 4680
Review of historical white sturgeon distribution within the Nechako River watershed. B.C. Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection. 47 p.
Author: Pollard, S. M.
Published Date: 2005
Hardcopy Location: BPGC
Record #: 10720
Breeding plan for Nechako white sturgeon. Nechako White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative, Prince George, B.C.
Author: RL&L Environmental Services Ltd.
Published Date: 2000
Record #: 7970
raser River White Sturgeon Monitoring Program Comprehensive Report (1995-1999). Prepared for: BC Fisheries.
  1. 7970_RLL2000_FraserMonitoring.pdf (7.2mb)
Author: Scheer, K. 2007. Nechako White Sturgeon Fish Culture Recovery Initiative. 2007. 6950 Smith, C., Nelson, R., Pollard, S., Rubidge, E., McKay, S., Rodzen, J., May, B., and Koop, B.
Published Date: 2002
Record #: 6520
Population genetic analysis of white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus ) in the Fraser River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 18 (4-6) : 307-312.
Author: Toth, B. M. and Yarmish, J. A.
Published Date: 2003
Record #: 7900
2002/03 Preliminary Assessment of Stuart Watershed White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus ). Prepared for: Nechako River White Sturgeon Recovery Initiative.
  1. 7900_TothYarmish_StuartSturgeonAssessment.pdf (12.7mb)
Author: Toth, B. M., Yarmish, J. A., and Smith, R. G
Published Date: 2000
Record #: 7850
1999/2000 Assessment of Upper Fraser River White Sturgeon. Prepared for: Upper Fraser Nechako Fisheries Council (UFNFC) and Fisheries Renewal British Columbia (FsRBC).
  1. 7850_Tothetal2000_SturgeonAssessment.pdf (13.8mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1999
Record #: 4770
Nechako River juvenile white sturgeon study. Triton Environmental Consultants, Richmond, B.C.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2006
Hardcopy Location: BCMOF
Record #: 7530
Potential effects of mountain pine beetle on Nechako River hydrology and white sturgeon.
  1. 7530_Triton2006_PineBeetleSturgeon.pdf (2mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2004
Record #: 7980
Report: Adult White Sturgeon Monitoring - Nechako River 2004.
Author: Wilkin, D.
Published Date: 2001
Record #: 1700
Dams disrupt sex drive of sturgeon. Accessed from:
Author: Wood, C. C., Sneep, D., McAdam, S., Korman, J., and Hatfield, T.
Published Date: 2007
Hardcopy Location: BVAFI
Record #: 8240
Recovery potential assessment for white sturgeon populations listed under the Species at Risk Act. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat.
  1. 8240_Woodetal2007_SturgeonRecoverySARA.pdf (374kb)
Author: Yarmish, J. A. and Toth, B. M.
Published Date: 2002
Record #: 7870
2001/2002 Assessment of the Upper Fraser River White Sturgeon. Prepared for: Upper Fraser Nechako Fisheries Council (UFNFC) and Fisheries Renewal British Columbia (FsRBC).
  1. 7870_YarmishToth2002_SturgeonAssessment.pdf (10.4mb)


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