Fisheries – Habitat

Author: ARC Environmental Ltd.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: WLAP
Record #: 107
Selected Nechako River Tributaries Fish Habitat Assessment and Inventory. Prepared for Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Omineca Region.
Author: Bachrach, T.
Published Date: 2001
Hardcopy Location: Link
Record #: 4810
Restoration project improves habitat, stabilizes bank. Headwater Headlines 1 : 1-2.
Author: Beniston, R. J and Lister, D. B.
Published Date: 1991
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB
Record #: 2810
Inferred changes in chinook cover habitat suitability in Nechako River (reaches 5-7) due to flow reduction. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM90-7. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 2810_BenistonLister2003_NFCP ChinookHabitatChanges.pdf (502kb)
Author: Birtwell, I.K., Levings, C.D., Macdonald, J.S., and Rogers, I.H.
Published Date: 1988
Hardcopy Location: BVAU
Record #: 1710
A review of fish habitat issues within the Fraser River system. Interregional transfers, projects and problems, Proc. Task Force Meeting, Oct 11-14, 1977, Laxemburg, Austria. Water Pollution Research Journal of Canada 23 : 1-30.
Author: British Columbia Ministry of Environment
Published Date: 1979
Hardcopy Location: BVAS, OONL, BVA
Record #: 4360
Assessment of the impact of the Kemano II proposal on the fish and wildlife resources of the Nanika-Kidprice and Morice systems : for Habitat Protection Section, Fish and Wildlife Branch, Ministry of Environment, Victoria, British Columbia. Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment, Victoria, B.C.
Author: Canadian Wildlife Service
Published Date: 2002
Record #: 4840
Habitat Conservation - Nechako River. Environment Canada's Green LaneTM . Accessed from:
Author: Chatwin, S. C., Tschaplinksi, P., McKinnon, G., Winfield, N., Goldberg, H., and Scherer, R.
Published Date: 2001
Hardcopy Location: Link
Record #: 1880
Assessment of the condition of small fish-bearing streams in the central interior plateau of British Columbia in response to riparian practices implemented under the Forest Practices Code. Working Paper 61 British Columbia Ministry of Forests Research Branch, Victoria, B.C. 49 p.
Author: Cleugh, T.R. and Lawley, B.C.
Published Date: 1979
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BPGC, BVAS
Record #: 680
Salmon studies associated with the potential Kemano II hydro electric development, volume 4 : The limnology of Morice Lake relative to the proposed Kemano II power development. Fisheries and Environment Canada, Vancouver, B.C
Author: Envirocon Limited.
Published Date: 1984
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB, MMA, BPGC
Record #: 2900
Environmental studies associated with the proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development. Volume 1: Environmental planning and assessment - summary report. Aluminum Company of Canada.
Author: Envirocon Limited.
Published Date: 1984
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, MMA, BPGUB
Record #: 3340
Environmental studies associated with the proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development. Volume 15: Environmental planning and project design. Aluminum Company of Canada. 512 p.
Author: Envirocon Limited.
Published Date: 1984
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, BPGUB
Record #: 3840
Environmental studies associated with the proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development. Volume 17: Nanika-Kidprice assessment area environmental impact assessment. Aluminum Company of Canada. 157 p.
Author: Envirocon Limited.
Published Date: 1984
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, MMA, BPGUB
Record #: 3850
Environmental studies associated with the proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development. Volume 18: Lower Nanika Assessment area environmental impact assessment. Aluminum Company of Canada. 231 p.
Author: Envirocon Limited.
Published Date: 1984
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, MMA, BPGUB
Record #: 3860
Environmental studies associated with the proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development. Volume 19: Morice-Bulkley and Skeena assessment areas environmental impact assessment. Aluminum Company of Canada. 250 p.
Author: Envirocon Limited.
Published Date: 1984
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB, BNP, BVAFI, BPGC, MMA
Record #: 2890
Environmental studies associated with the proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development. Volume 21: Nechako River and Fraser assessment areas environmental impact assessment. Aluminum Company of Canada. 345 p.
Author: Envirocon Limited.
Published Date: 1984
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, BPGUB
Record #: 3870
Environmental studies associated with the proposed Kemano Completion Hydroelectric Development. Volume 22: Kemano assessment area environmental impact assessment. Aluminum Company of Canada. 172 p.
Author: Farrell, G., DeMarcho, R., and Suave, R.
Published Date: 1990
Hardcopy Location: BNP
Record #: 2690
Stream summary catalogue: Subdistrict 29I, Prince George, Volume 1: Fraser-Nechako. Canada Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
Author: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Published Date: 2001
Hardcopy Location: BVAFI
Record #: 8290
Biophysical evaluation of fish habitat.
Author: French, T.D. and Chambers, P.A.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BVIV
Record #: 4500
Habitat partitioning in riverine macrophyte communities. Freshwater Biology 36 : 509-520.
Author: Goldberg, H., Rubelee, B., and Mitchell, A.C.
Published Date: 1995
Hardcopy Location: BVAU
Record #: 410
Development of fish habitat for mitigation below hydro diversions. Journal of Energy Engineering ASCE 121 : 52-72.
Author: Golder Associates Ltd.
Published Date: 1997
Hardcopy Location: WLAP
Record #: 177
Reconnaissance level (1:20,000) fish and fish habitat inventory of Slocan Group Plateau (Vanderhoof) Division operating area Nechako River, Stuart River and West Road (Blackwater) River watersheds. Prepared for: Fisheries Branch, B. C. Ministry of Environment Prince George B. C.
Author: Goos, G.
Published Date: 1986
Hardcopy Location: WLAP
Record #: 26
Nechako River spawning/rearing channels feasibility study.
Author: Hatfield Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: BCMOF
Record #: 7600
Nechako Reservoir reconnaissance level stream inventory 1997 studies: Kasalka Creek (180-866000-45200) . Prepared for: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
  1. 7600_Hatfield1998_ReservoirReconKasalka.pdf (3.4mb)
Author: Hatfield Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: BCMOF
Record #: 7580
Nechako Reservoir reconnaissance level stream inventory 1997 studies: Whiting Creek (180-866000-37500). Prepared for: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
  1. 7580_Hatfield1998_ReservoirReconWhiting.pdf (4.8mb)
Author: Hatfield Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: BCMOF
Record #: 7610
Nechako Reservoir reconnaissance level stream inventory 1997 studies : Rhine Creek (180-866000-58200). Prepared for: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
  1. 7610_Hatfield1998_ReserviorReconRhine.pdf (10.3mb)
Author: Helm, R. K., MacDonald, D., Sinclair, B., Chan, D., Herrington, T., Chalmers, A., and Shepherd, B. G.
Published Date: 1980
Hardcopy Location: BNP
Record #: 3530
A review of the Nechako River watershed. Salmonid Enhancement Program, Facility Operation, New Projects Unit, Vancouver, B.C. 128 p.
Author: Jackson, K.
Published Date: 1984
Record #: 590
Toward a fish habitat decision on the Kemano Completion Project : a discussion paper. Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Habitat Management Division. 75 p.
Author: JCL and IB
Published Date: 1951
Record #: 8090
Euchu Lake Survey Data.
  1. 8090_JCL1951_EuchuLakeSurvey.pdf (422kb)
Author: Jenkins, B. W. and Kilby, J.
Published Date: 1987
Hardcopy Location: BNP
Record #: 3060
Nechako River Court Action: Alcan expert reports. Volume 6 of 7,chinook salmon and their habitat requirements. Aluminum Company of Canada.
Author: Langer, O. E., MacDonald, B., Patterson, J., and Schouwenburg, B.
Published Date: 1992
Hardcopy Location: Burnaby Public Library
Record #: 2070
A strategic review of fisheries resources and management objectives: Stuart/Takla Habitat Management Area. Fraser River Action Plan, Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
Author: Langer, O. E., MacDonald, B., Patterson, J., Schouwenburg, B., Harder, P., Harding, T., Miles, M., and Walmsley, M.
Published Date: 1992
Hardcopy Location: MMA
Record #: 1580
Stuart-Takla fish habitat management plan. Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Lepori, F., Palm, D., Brannas, E., and Malmqvist, B.
Published Date: 2005
Hardcopy Location: BIOSIS
Record #: 6570
Does restoration of structural heterogeneity in streams enahnce fish and macroinvertebrate diversity? Ecological Applications: 2060-2071.
Author: Levings, C.D. and Lauzier, R.B.
Published Date: 1991
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB
Record #: 31
Extensive use of the Fraser River basin as winter habitat by juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha ). Canadian Journal of Zoology 69 : 1759-1767.
Author: Lister, D. B. and Associates
Published Date: 1990
Hardcopy Location: BVAFI
Record #: 8
Preliminary inventory of habitat cover/cover opportunities, Nechako River, 1989.
Author: Luiker, E. A. and Hickey, D. G.
Published Date: 1996
Record #: 7800
A reconnaissance survey of Holy Cross Lake (180-5453-138 01). Prepared for: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks.
  1. 7800_LuikerHickey1996_HolyCrossRecon.pdf (811kb)
Author: MacDonald, D. D. and Shephard, B. G.
Published Date: 1983
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BPGC
Record #: 3380
A review of the Kitimat River watershed. Canada Salmonid Enhancement Program New Projects Unit. 164 p.
Author: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program
Published Date: 1992
Hardcopy Location: BVA
Record #: 4210
Summary of biological and physical studies carried out on the Nechako River by Alcan and DFO 1991/92. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program, Vancouver, B.C.
Author: Northcote and Burwash
Published Date: 1991
Hardcopy Location: BVAU
Record #: 3740
Fish and fish habitats of the Fraser River Basin. In Water in sustainable development: Exploring our common future in the Fraser River Basin. Edited by A.H.J.Dorcey and J.R. Griggs. Westwater Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. pp. 117-141.
Author: Nowotny, C. and Hickey, D. G.
Published Date: 1994
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, Burnaby Public Library, WLAP, BVAFI
Record #: 2370
Inventory and rating of salmonid habitats along the Fraser and Nechako rivers within the city limits of Prince George, B.C. Fraser River Environmentally Sustainable Development Task Force.
  1. 2370_NowotnyHickey1993_Inventorysalmon.pdf ()
Author: Reid Crowther and Partners Ltd.
Published Date: 1987
Record #: 4190
Report on surveys of the Nechako River. Department of Fisheries and Oceans. 99 p.
Author: Rosenau, M.
Published Date: 1983
Hardcopy Location: WLSP, Don Cadden's Personal Files
Record #: 42
Nechako River Habitat Capability Estimate. Confidential.
Author: Scrivener, J.C., Brown, T.G., and Andersen, B.C.
Published Date: 1994
Hardcopy Location: BVIV, BVAU
Record #: 1770
Juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhyncus tshawytscha ) utilization of Hawks Creek, a small nonnatal tributary of the upper Fraser River. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51 : 1139-1146.
Author: Shirvell, C. S.
Published Date: 1987
Hardcopy Location: BNP
Record #: 3090
Nechako River Court Action : DFO expert report. Volume 8 of 8, Modelling of fish habitat in the Nechako River. Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.
Author: Shirvell, C. S.
Published Date: 1987
Record #: 19
Modelling of fish habitat in the Nechako River. Edited by : Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Vancouver B. C.
Author: Shirvell, C.S.
Published Date: 1989
Hardcopy Location: CISTI
Record #: 450
Ability of PHABSIM to predict chinook salmon spawning habitat. Regulated Rivers, Research and Management 3 : 277-289.
Author: Slaney, P.A., Rubelee, B.O., Perrin, C.J., and Goldberg, H.
Published Date: 1994
Hardcopy Location: BVAS, BVIV
Record #: 420
Debris structure placements and whole-river fertilization for salmonids in a large regulated stream in British Columbia. Bulletin of Marine Science 55 : 1160-1180.
Author: Toews, D. A. A. and Chatwin, S.
Published Date: 2001
Record #: 4740
Watershed assessment in the southern interior of British Columbia: workshop proceedings, March 9-10, 2000. Penticton, B.C. Working Paper 57. B.C. Ministry of Forests, Research Branch, Victoria, B.C. 247 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1993
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVIEM, BVA
Record #: 2590
Incubation environment: testing of redd capping. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report M88-9. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 8 p.
  1. 2590_Triton1993_NFCP ReddCapping.pdf (1mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2003
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, NFCP
Record #: 6660
In-stream habitat complexing 1997: pilot testing. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM97-2. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 6660_Triton2003_NFCP HabitatComplexing1997.pdf (3.3mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 1220
Biological assessment of habitat complexing in the Nechako River, 1991. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM91-6. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1997
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC
Record #: 152
Instream Habitat Complexing. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM97-2. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1997
Record #: 8140
Upper Kemano River Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory.
  1. 8140_Triton1997_UpperKemanoRecon.pdf (1mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2000
Record #: 8080
Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory in the Upper Nechako Reservoir System (WSC 180-792700 to 180-734300). Prepared for: Fraser Lake Sawmills.
  1. 8080_Triton2000_UpperReservoirRecon.pdf (167kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2000
Record #: 8070
Reconnaissance (1:20,000) Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory in the Lower Nechako Reservoir System (WSC 180-557700 to 180-72600). Prepared for: Fraser Lake Sawmills.
  1. 8070_Triton2000_LowerReservoirRecon.pdf (258kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2007
Hardcopy Location: NFCP
Record #: 7030
Nechako River Habitat Complex Removal (RM 86.375 RDC) Post Construction Monitoring Report. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 7030_Triton2007_NFCP-HabitatComplexing.pdf (2.3mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2005
Hardcopy Location: NFCP
Record #: 6760
Nechako River Habitat Complex Removal (LM21.4RDC) Post Construction Monitoring Report. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 6760_Triton2005_NFCP-Habitat Complexing.pdf (8mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1989
Record #: 24
Inventory and assessment of Nechako River secondary channels; Kenny Dam to Vanderhoof. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Report RM88-1. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2003
Hardcopy Location: BPGC, NFCP
Record #: 151
Instream Habitat Complexing 1993-1995: pilot testing. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM95-3. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 151_Triton2003_NFCP HabitatComplexing93-95.pdf (1mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1998
Record #: 154
Instream Habitat Complexing. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM98-2. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1993
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB
Record #: 2790
In-stream habitat modifications habitat complexing 1988-1990. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Report RM90-3.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2003
Hardcopy Location: NFCP, College of New Caledonia Library
Record #: 6670
In-stream habitat complexing 1996: pilot testing. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM96-2. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 6670_Triton2003_NFCP HabitatComplexing1996.pdf (2.8mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 1230
Biological assessment of habitat complexing in the Nechako River, 1992. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM92-6. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1993
Hardcopy Location: BPGUB
Record #: 2840
Assessment of habitat complexing/stream fertilization. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Report RM89-5.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 1040
Biological assessment of habitat complexing and stream fertilization. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM89-5. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program. 18 p.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1991
Record #: 64
Biological Assessment of Habitat Complexing in the Nechako River. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Report RM91-8. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 1160
Biological assessment of habitat complexing in the Nechako River, 1990. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM90-6. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BVIEM, OOFI
Record #: 1270
In-stream habitat complexing, 1992:pilot testing. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM92-3. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 1240
Biological assessment of habitat complexing in the Nechako River, 1993. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM93-4. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 1170
Biological assessment of habitat complexing in the Nechako River, 1994. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM94-3. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 960
Biological assessment of habitat complexing in the Nechako River, 1995. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM95-4. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1999
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA, NFCP
Record #: 940
Biological assessment of habitat complexing in the Nechako River, 1996. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Data Report RM96-3. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 940_Triton1999_NFCP HabitatComplexing1996.pdf (318kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2001
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BPGC, BVA
Record #: 790
Biological assessment of habitat complexing in the Nechako River, 1997. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM97-3. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 790_Triton2001_NFCP HabitatComplexing1997.pdf (307kb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2006
Hardcopy Location: BCMOF
Record #: 7520
Fish passage culvert inspections (FPCI) at selected crossings on the Bobtail, 200, 400, 800 and 900 FSR. Prepared for: Canadian Forest Products Ltd.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 2005
Hardcopy Location: BCMOF
Record #: 7540
Fish passage culvert inspections (FPCI) at selected crossings on the Bobtail, 200, 400, 800 and 900 FSR. Prepared for: Canadian Forest Products.
  1. 7540_Triton2005_CulvertInspections.pdf (6.7mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC, BVA, NFCP
Record #: 1140
In-stream habitat complexing 1988-1990: pilot testing. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM90-3. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
  1. 1140_Triton1996_NFCP HabitatComplexing88-90.pdf (9.1mb)
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Published Date: 1996
Hardcopy Location: BNP, BVAFI, BVIEM, BPGC
Record #: 1190
In-stream habitat complexing, 1991: pilot testing. Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program Technical Report RM91-3. Prepared for: Nechako Fisheries Conservation Program.
Author: Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. and Klohn Leonoff Ltd.
Published Date: 1991
Record #: 3930
Reconnaissance of fish habitat and surficial deposits of Nechako Canyon. Alcan Smelters and Chemicals Ltd., Vancouver, B.C.
Author: United Fishermen and Allied Workers' Union
Published Date: 1981
Hardcopy Location: OOFI
Record #: 3500
Section H. - habitat and survival of salmon to United Fishermen and Allied Workers: submission to the Commission on Pacific Fisheries Policy. Commission on Pacific Fisheries Policy (Canada). 37 p.
Author: Unser, C. W.
Published Date: 2002
Hardcopy Location: Dissertations Abstract International
Record #: 6590
Temperature monitoring of headwater streams for the purpose of improved riparian management as a step toward sustainable forestry .
Author: Westcott, R. G.
Published Date: 1989
Hardcopy Location: WLAP, Don Cadden's personal files
Record #: 48
A Reconnaissance survey of Cheslatta Fan Scour Lake. Raw Data Report.
Author: Westworth Associates Environment Ltd.
Published Date: 1998
Hardcopy Location: WLAP
Record #: 176
A (1996) reconnaissance level fish and fish habitat inventory of portions of the Chilako and Nechako River watershed. Prepared for: Canadian Forest Products Ltd.
  1. 176_Westworth1998_IslePierreRecon.pdf (219kb)
Author: Westworth Associates Environment Ltd.
Published Date: 1998
Record #: 7760
Isle Pierre Reconnaissance Fish and Fish Habitat Inventory (1996), Spring Sampling and Additional Sampling Sites (1997). Prepared for: Canadian Forest Products Ltd.
  1. 7760_Westworth1998_IslePierreRecon.pdf (139kb)


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